This ready pack comprises a preassembled 9000 series respirator mask with ABEK1P3 filters contained within an aluminium bag to elongate the shelf-life. The filter protects against organic gases and vapours, inorganic gases and vapours, acid gases and ammonia, radioactive particles, highly toxic metals, hardwood, airborne biological substances and enzymes based on water and oil.
This ready pack comprises of a 9000 series full face mask and ABEK1 P3 filters, preassembled and ready for use. This product is packaged into an aluminium bag, designed to extend shelf-life and thus is ideal for emergency situations.
The ABEK1 filter is multi-purpose and protects from organic gases and vapours, inorganic gases and vapours, acid gases and ammonia. In addition, the P3 filters protect against radioactive particles, highly toxic metals, hard wood as well as airborne biological substances and enzymes based on water and oil.
Delivery Options:
Full face respirator masks cover the full face & provide protection from hazardous particles, gases as well as providing protection for the eyes with a panoramic protective screen. A Full Face Respirator with filters will protect against highly toxic hazards including fumes & fine toxic dust.
In the UK, Full Face Dust Masks & Respirators are classified to the EN136 standard and used in negative pressure systems. These are classified into 3 classes:
Class 1 – Light duty
Class 2 – General duty
Class 3 – Heavy-duty protection
Full Face masks provide protection for the whole face including the eyes and mouth and are recommended for very dusty environments. The correct mask filters (Gas/Particulate filters) need to be selected depending on the hazard encountered however P3 filters provide an increased protection level APF 40 when used with a full face mask respirator.
Personnel that use Full Face Dust Mask Respirators are required to have passed a face fit test. This face fit test must be quantitative only as per HSE recommendations. Qualitative face fit tests cannot be used.
This is dependent on the degree of growth. Limited growth would be fine with a non powered Full Face Respirator as long as there is no beard growth where the mask seals around the face. An enclosed powered air system is recommended as a specific Full Face mask for beards.
The mask filters required are dependent on the hazard encountered. These maybe gas & vapour filters or particulate.
A Organic fumes
B Inorganic fumes
E Sulphur Dioxide
K Ammonia Green
P Particle White
The full range of Full Face Mask filters can be found in our filter section.